Rumors & Happenings
Jerilyn is participating in a book signing, along with other local authors, on November 25, 2023 from 11 AM to 5 PM at Calftown Coffee House, 432 South 8th Street, Quincy, IL
Jerilyn attended a writers' retreat at a Trappist monastery in Snowmass, Colorado in April & May of 2018.
Rumor - Fact or Fiction: Jerilyn went to When Words Count Retreat in Rochester, Vermont in February to work on Is This the End? She both loved and hated the weather, but loved the atmosphere and camaraderie.
FACT: Jerilyn loves to be around other writers and get feedback on her work. She finds it energizing. And any time she can help a newer writer, she jumps at the chance.
Rumor - Fact or Fiction: Jerilyn will go to a Trappist Monastery in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado in April to write.
FACT: She and one of her besties, Nan, go every year to a hermitage just to write and meditate. It’s a grand experience and inspires her to keep writing.
Rumor - Fact or Fiction: Jerilyn fell in love.
FICTION: Unless you count George. Jerilyn decided since she couldn’t find the perfect guy, she would create him in her books.
Rumor - Fact or Fiction: Jerilyn sold a gazillion books in January of 2018.
FICTION: Maybe not a gazillion books sold but she did get to #34 in all of Amazon, not just in mysteries.
Rumor - Fact or Fiction: The 8th Sam Darling Mystery is in the works.
FACT: Jerilyn is putting the final touches on the 8th Sam Darling mystery. Where will Sam Darling trip over her next dead body? Watch this site for book release information and you'll be the first to know!
Rumor - Fact or Fiction: Sam Darling's dog, Clancy is based on Jerilyn's dog, Gus.
FACT: Gus is the inspiration for Clancy! This happy-go-lucky, hard-working pup isn't just the inspiration for a key character in a best-selling mystery series, he is also a certified therapy dog who visits residents in local care facilities. It's no doubt this precious face could warrant a fan club all his own!

Gus, the inspiration for Clancy in the Sam Darling Mysteries.
Rumor - Fact or Fiction: Jerilyn just finished taping a stint as a murderous nurse on Chicago Med.
Fiction: Jerilyn hasn't starred in any TV dramas lately but she did just finish up a run of She Loves Me with the local community theater. And, she does play a nurse among other supporting roles with grace and aplomb!